One of the worst things that can ever hit a movie buff is (wait for it) motherhood. Yeap, I said it right.
I love my kid to death but for the past 21 months, I have been watching the best movies and TV shows in parts that stretch over days because my kid's needs always come before mine. So am I a bad mom to lament about this? Of course not! I am merely stating the facts.
It is amazing how Pebbles can orchestrate a perfect full blown tantrum when her mother is watching something interesting on the telly and more often than not the meltdowns happen at the very important scenes i.e the revelation of the killer, the doctor's fatal diagnosis, the magical kiss etc. I am convinced my kid has been wired to burst her mom's bubble(s) of happiness. Oh boy!
The simple solution would be to record the program and watch it at another time but here the potential of another problem arises. My hubby is a TV junkie too, watching all kinds of sports on TV. I bet you if there is a lawn bowling competition on TV, he'd be watching too. So yeah, recording is out of the question.
So what do I do? Besides praying hard that Pebbles doesn't wake up from her nap too soon or do not throw a tantrum, I just make sure I know when the repeats are being aired so I can watch them in parts. Yeap, still in parts because it is either I don't watch it at all or 'earmark' the part I last watched before I had to deal with motherhood. Life is tough but you just got to bulldoze your way through.
Many mothers I know don't watch the telly as they are swamped with other commitments. Personally I rather squeeze a 30 minute of telly than washing the dirty dishes in the sink. The telly for decades has served as a tool of escapism for many and it has been a faithful one for me just like books. Whereas I can't for the life of me, read chapters half way through, the telly is a simpler, no fuss alternative.
While I battle with Pebbles' inconsistent sleeping pattern, I shall persevere in my journey to expand my creativity through the box which is definitely not an idiot for this mother. Bring it on, great shows!