Pebbles turned 17 months yesterday. My baby is growing up
too fast. I found a phrase the other day that perfectly resonates my journey in
motherhood; The days are long but the years are short. How true is that?!
Pebbles now is a pro at giving bear hugs and sloppy, noisy kisses and also
winking! I have no idea where she had learnt that from but she loves to wink
and does it rather expertly.
Well life has become a little more routine now so I have a
little more time (I would definitely have a lot more if I am just not so lazy!)
So about yesterday, I was busy singing the ‘My Baby is 17 months old’ song that
I forgot of another milestone.
As I was putting a rather defiant and squirmy Pebbles to
sleep at 11.30pm, it suddenly occurred to me that April 11 marks the 100th
month of me and hubby being together! And I only realize that 30 minutes before
a new day dawned (Since you are so good at math, you figure out when we hooked
up..hehehe ) I felt bad for not
doing anything special for him but I did cook dinner..wink wink
Hubby was surprised himself when I told him and he was sweet
enough to come to bed earlier than he usually does (He loves channel surfing)
So there we were in bed whispering sweet little nothings, marvelling at the
fact that we have made it to 100 months and also counting our blessings which
included Pebbles who was now was fast asleep and drooling onto her pillow (I
don’t think I will ever have the elegant and poised daughter I dreamt of)
I stayed awake a little longer after he dozed off. After
wandering how come he can sleep so quickly after talking to me but can stay up
till very late to watch football and cricket on TV, I couldn’t help but smile
at the sleeping person next to me whom I proudly call my husband.
My hubby is a very simple and straight forward man. He is
sweet and understanding and extremely generous. The fact that we are total
opposites keep our relationship fresh and exciting. But lately with the arrival
of Pebbles, our relationship has taken a back seat as it would for many couples
with children. Our number one priority is Pebbles. Although it is a norm, more
and more studies are surfacing where there is a strong emphasis on maintaining
and nurturing the relationship you have with your spouse because when the
children leave the nest, you only have each other to lean on.
Being friends with your spouse is important and I am glad
that my hubby and I have always been great friends. We can talk to each other
about anything under the sun and laugh at as well as with each other. But
nurturing a relationship is hard work and although we don’t argue much, we
don’t talk much either due to work commitments, baby and also being too
attached to technology; the idiot box and smartphones.
I know it is almost impossible to ‘bring back’ the glory of
dating days but I am determined to bring some sparkle back to our relationship.
It is good for both of us as well as for Pebbles who will thrive in a loving
and affectionate environment. We may not be able to go on dates as often as we
wish but there are many little thoughtful things we can do for each other and
also together. The other day during our return trip from Ipoh, we played
‘Belaian Jiwa’ song by Innuendo on the YouTube and started singing it out loud.
It was fun simply because we both love the song very much although we are tone
deaf. It was a heartwarming moment.
The fact that he is wonderful to Pebbles is a bonus point.
He is such a hands on father and readily takes her away so mummy gets some
alone time. That thoughtful gesture alone is worth much more than any expensive
gifts for me. Guys, always remember, you may not be the perfect couple for others but do ensure you are perfect for each other.
So dear Hubby, thank you for putting up with me for the past 100
months and here’s hoping you will hang in there for another few more hundreds.
I love you very much and you'll be in my heart forever.
I heart this picture of us