Monday, 30 November 2015

Unblock your Chi

My cousin and I attended a preview talk the other day on unblocking the chi in us to lead a healthier life. Chi is basically energy in Chinese.

It is believed that the aches and pains we experience are caused by two factors:

1. External factor
    Too much exposure to these elements can bring on diseases:

  • heat
  • wind
  • cold
  • humidity
2. Internal factors are your inner desires. Apparently, if you experience any of the following emotions with high intensity, a particular organ can be affected.

    a. Joy=Heart

    b. Anger=Liver

    c. Anxiety=Spleen

    d. Worry=Stomach

    e. Sadness=Lung

    f.  Fear=Kidney

    g. Shock=Sexual Organ

The trainer even conducted a demo on a person, asking a series of questions to identify the root cause of her neck pain and subsequently easing her pain using a magnetic ball.

The 2 hr talk was a preview to the actual training program which will be held from Jan 7-10
 2016 in KL but it costs a whooping RM10k!

Way too expensive for us but at least we got something out of this preview talk. 

A few members in my laws and I have a WatsApp group where we share information on alternative lifestyle so when I updated them about the talk we attended, SIL No.1 commented that the reason she had a heart attack was because she was overjoyed to which the Guruji in the group (the uncle who preaches meditation) cheekily added what were the consequences faced by her husband when he received the shock of his life..hahaha

When Chi is unblocked, you are liberated from the negativity that bogs you down and your subconscious mind just becomes stronger which would benefit other aspects of your life so it is apparent that the change should start within.

So here's to positive chi

Image from Google

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


Apart from Yoga, I have been dabbling in meditation. Only yesterday, I completed the mandatory 90 day cycle of a meditation I started in August. I obviously felt triumphant having to complete it but meditation is not easy. It is not easy to keep still and focus when you have an over-active mind like mine.

My cousin who also meditates says that he constantly needs to battle with the monkey mind of his which he cheekily adds is drunk and is possibly stung by a scorpion. It was hilarious when I tried to picture his description but it is true, it is incredibly impossible to still our mind. In order to meditate effectively,you need to know how to sweep aside the thoughts that are playing in your mind when you try to meditate and it can be achieved through practice.

We spend hours mindlessly surfing the channels on TV after a hard day's at work so why not meditate instead. Focus on your breathing and reach deep within yourself. It is an exhilarating feeling and I highly recommend you to do that. Meditation is not only about chanting some mantras. It is about taking some time off to reconnect yourself. Disconnect from the outer world and go inwards.

So yeah, that is what I have been busy doing and I can't say I am perfect at it but at least I am trying which is important, right? Just today, I came across an article in a magazine which states that meditation helps to alleviate loneliness which ultimately can cure depression. It also encourages mental clarity and teaches you to be present at all times (tough for a day dreamer like me)

As for me, it helped me to see things in different perspectives. I no longer lose my temper easily and I am more careful with what I say meaning I am more mindful (yeap no longer the sarcastic, Deann)

For many years, I have been giving excuses about meditating which includes not being able to focus or concentrate. I still can't 100% but at least I am trying and I am convinced with practise, I'd be a pro at it. Meditation helps with overall health and I like that because you don't sweat when you meditate..hahahaha

So do some research and find out how you would like to do it i.e with music, guided, chanting or simply sit and inhale and exhale. Just spend 20 minutes a day doing it and do it for 40 days without fail so the act gets embedded in your subconscious mind.

Trust me at the end of Day 40, you will see a new you.

Happy meditating


Image from Google

Friday, 13 November 2015

Story of My Life

I cant believe it has been almost 3 weeks since I last wrote an entry. As much as I missed articulating the thoughts in my head, life has been crazy these past weeks until I couldn't spare some time to type away. In a nutshell, I was on a roller coaster ride filled with a myriad of emotions these past weeks.Let me see if I can sum it up based on the characters of Inside Out:


My good friend,Nadine whom I have known since kindergarten got hitched last Saturday. I missed her ceremony but her reception was grand and I had fun catching up with other friends. Pebbles was her usual self flirting around and decided rather ceremoniously to poop then. Kind hubby took care of it. I have never seen a pair of happier newly weds. I am so glad she finally found her Prince Charming and get to act out her love story. Writing this is already making my eyes water. When her husband gushed about how great a person she is I couldn't help but feel proud of her. She is indeed a very special person and I am super duper happy for her.

Pebbles turned 1 on November 11. I can't believe my baby is now a big girl who is incredibly cute and bossy to the boot. Hubby and I were reminiscing our journey the past year and although it has been filled with many sleepless nights, puke, poop, urine and tears, I must say gummy smiles, cheeky grins, bubbly laughter and Pebbles' milestones sure surpass all the yucky parts. Well, I am sure she had a great day. We spent some hours at the hospital with my in laws. Face time with my side of the family (Thanks to technology!) and had a sweet birthday party with another cousin's kid who shares the same birthday. He celebrated his 11th while Pebbles celebrated her 1st. In 10 years, she would be celebrating her 11th and his 21st!! Sigh, how do I stop time from rocketing away?

So what has happened? Well for a start, my poor father in law has been admitted to the hospital. He has been unwell for a while and poor thing had to be hospitalized to get things in order. His morale is very low at the moment and it is everyone fervent wish he gets back on track. My super devoted mother in law has also been impacted by this as she is at his beck and call 24/7 and it is clearly evident that she needs a really good break once he is back home but knowing her, she would be fussing over him like a mother hen. My mother in law is our Mother Theresa, always giving and never receiving.


So hubby and I have been 'summoned' to organize the farewell party for a bunch of Year 6 girls from one of the prominent schools in the city. We found ourselves trapped between the parents and teachers which both parties want the best for their girls but they fail to listen what the girls really want *rolling my eyes here* event is on Monday so let's see how that would transpire.

It's crazy how dependant we are with our smart phones. Just the other day we were at a cousin's house and she has two halls. One was filled with relatives with their noses in their phones and the other filled with people watching television. Interpersonal communication has gone down to drain, I tell you. For a person with incredibly limited social interaction with fellow adults, I find this very disconcerting.


Ever since I became a mother, I fear that I have been forgetting things. My brains are slow to react in placing a memory, name, place etc. It is as though, once the baby popped, my hard drive was yanked away. As much as I remind myself to remain present, it is hardly attainable when you have a toddler who is up to mischief at all times and tries so hard to run away on her chubby legs (yeap, Pebbles can walk now! Although she reminds me of a drunk little adult) so I am always thinking of a zillion things to do at the same time and also squeeze in some time to daydream about a place where all is cool and I can finally breathe (dream on!). My Yoga teacher says that Yoga helps with the clarity of mind so I am counting on her words but that also means I need to practice Yoga at home! Arrrgh I don't have time!!
My other fear is going bald. I have so many obvious bald patches on my head and they are affecting my self esteem. I know I have to do something about it so at the moment, I am using Pebbles' shampoo (Less chemical and less expensive, haha)


Remember I attended the Translation class? Well I was asked to attend the Editing class as well and as much as I had fun catching up with the fellow translation musketeers, I found the class dead boring! All the tutors except one spend the time bragging about himself and I was actually surprised that my eyes didn't get stuck as I was rolling them far too many times. What pissed me off is the spelling and grammar mistakes found the application form. We are talking a bout a reputable Translation&Editing organization, they simply cannot commit such silly mistakes! Still makes my blood boil. Now we have been asked to collect our certificates. Why couldn't they give it when we were there for 4 days?! Seriously!

So yeah, that pretty much sums up my life of 3 weeks. Pebbles is up from her nap and I have to play with her to keep her occupied until help comes...hahaha...Ta Ta