Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Bye Bye 2015 & Hola 2016

I can't belive that 2015 is at her very last day. I feel that way because typically on a new year's eve, I would be busy spending time with my diary and probably cleaning up the house to usher in the New Year as a clean slate.
Instead I am at my in law's house sitting next to Pebbles who is asleep after taking a bout of medication.Poor baby n hubby are recovering from flu and fever and she has a nasty attack of diaper rash. So you can imagine how the past few days have been for me. I was frantic and I actually sobbed out loud when her toy hit my toe.It was super painful and in sadness I lamented that I was not being a good parent and I don't think I should have more children etc. I am a drama queen no doubt about that.
Just two hours ago when I was chasing after Pebbles who has taken a liking to my father in law's colourful tablets, I wished I had a fairy godmother.And if she was to grant me a wish, I would say that I would one night alone at J.W Marriott Hotel. Just to sink into the heavenly bed with fluffy pillows and to have an uninterrupted bath. Talk about wishful thinking...sigh
So 2015 has been an eventful year for me.I quit my job, started yoga,dabbled in blog, attended a course in translation & editing and passed (yay!), making my way slowly into the spiritual world and made some great friends. So if I am to think what would my new year resolutions be I supposed I should break them down into a few categories:
I will continue practicing Yoga. I will eat healthier (I have too!) and exercise
2. Mental
I will focus on maintaining my energies well so I am balanced and don't get stressed up too easily. ( Keeping my fingers and toes crossed)
3. Financial
I will strive to be empowered financially.
4. Spiritual
I will continue to explore the spiritual world and reap its benefits. Yay to powerful subconscious mind
5. Career
I am not sure how soon I will get into the full time working world but in the meantime I will utilize all the skills that I have and have acquired to do something worthwhile
6. Social
I have always had issues with self esteem.So here's to higher self confidence which would in turn improve my social life.
7. Family
Tough one.I am a mother of one and I hope to continue to be that for 2016. Baby no.2 can wait for a while.As usual I aspire to be a better person in the various hats I don: daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunty, daughter in law, sister in law, niece and granddaughter
Here's to a better year ahead
Bring it on, 2016
I share the same sentiments

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