The movie was so-so although I admit I was laughing so much till my sides ached at some scenes and Kajol is absolutely lovely to look at. She has aged beautifully now that she is in her 41st year. In fact she looks far more beautiful than she did 20 years ago.
Thinking hard and analysing unnecessarily as I usually do,I couldn't help but feel amazed at the chemistry she and SRK share on screen. I mean they just have to glance at each other and you know that a thousand words have been spoken between them. This brings to my question, would you not find it disturbing if your spouse shares a sizzling chemistry with someone else besides yourself? Wouldn't it be more disturbing if you do not have chemistry at all with your spouse but you have it with someone else? Gasp!
Is that why affairs occur? *cringe with fear*
Of course they are actors and they are supposed to emote wonderfully but it is just something about these two that makes you feel that true love exists and your heart does skip a beat for that person..sigh..told you I am a hopeless romantic.
Bollywood movies are famous for the sappy storylines but no actors in the world would convey messages through their eyes as effectively as Bollywood actors and actresses.I don't think there is any other pairs like the SRK-Kajol duo that can create magic on screen and that chemistry alone can be the saving grace of any movies.
May we continue basking in the magic of Bollywood films.
My cheeky husband had to say this when I posed the question to him 'Darling,why you need chemistry when we have biology?' haha I seriously think he should be a stand up comedian to generate extra income.

Image from Google
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