Wednesday, 30 September 2015


I absolutely hate driving.It all started when it took me forever to pass the exams (I failed at parking twice) then when I started to drive in Ipoh while studying Form 6, I had a minor accident,  a few years later, my sister, Hazel was involved in an accident that was pretty bad but she was OK albeit two front teeth :P and then I met my husband who drove me everywhere.

You see, while my sister still drove after the accident and can even ride a motorcycle now, I still cringe at the idea of being on the road along with other drivers and the scary motorcyclists simply because I am a bad driver. I don't have blind spots, I have a blind range. When I drive, no one can speak to me and there is no way I would text or pick up a call because my eyes will be darting from the side and rear mirrors. Most of the time, I would not have the radio on too. On average, I drive about 3 times a year when it is ABSOLUTELY necessary (of course after much whining and pouting) I am totally cool with taking a taxi or public transportation to anywhere I want to go (I am sure you want to knock my head now)

But yeah, that is how I am. I don't have a phobia towards driving it's just that I don't enjoy driving. Many women equate driving to freedom (which I can't fathom) so they think I am being primitive by not driving. Well everyone has a right to an opinion right?

So life was going all fine when one fine day God decided to make me drive.You see, I have signed up for a translation class which is held in Wangsa Maju and we live at Old Klang Road (so freaking far, OK) Worst part is the class is for 2 long weeks and hubby said I needed to drive :( as he obviously had work to do and couldn't possible drive his loving wife back and forth. He was sweet enough to send and fetch me for 2 days and on the third day, I was supposed to drive Pippa's car but her car battery died. I thought God didn't want me to drive so hubby had to send the gleeful me.

He made sure the car was in tip top condition; filled up the tank, topped up the Smart Tag card and parked it nicely for me so I can drive without having to maneuver from the parking space. Darn! So I drove today and it was a stressful journey. Got lost and made frantic phone calls to hubby.Really thought he would say 'Come home darling, I'll send you' but NO! He calmly gave me instructions so I said a prayer and trudged along. I reached safely and had to take 2 Panadols to cure my headache due to stress. You see what driving does to me!!! And now it is raining!!! Going to pray extra hard that it'll stop soon.

Before you think I am a spoiled brat, let me tell you that I really don't enjoy driving! It is no fun for me. I was born to day dream in the car, to read billboards and mentally calculate all the number plates so I can enhance my arithmetic skills. So if you see an overly stressed out, specky, mumbling-to-herself lady driver (no I am not going to give you my car number and model), it is probably me so just wave and drive on.

Oh dear, one day down (OK, half day) and 6 more days to go! I guess I have increased the number of times I have driven this year... Yay! (Unenthusiastically)

Picture taken after I have parked..Duh!

Monday, 21 September 2015

Confessions of a horrible mother

I hit the lowest point (my version) in my journey called motherhood early this morning. I whacked Pebbles on her calf 4 times! Gasp!Horror!Cringe! Yeap, I did that.Not my proudest moment and I am ashamed at myself for doing what I did. My friend once posted in FB for feeling bad because she raised her voice at her toddler and here I am whacking my poor helpless child. I know my sisters are going to flip big time when they read this so I better quickly explain myself.

Pebbles caught the dreaded flu bug over the weekend  and understandably she was grumpy and not her usual self.  Last night she took it one notch higher by throwing a tantrum in the likes of throwing her head back and crying, hitting her head on the floor and screaming her lungs out.

When Pebbles returned from the baby sitter's, she was already cranky. Refused to take her biscuits for tea time and cried out loud when we wiped her snot. Out of sheer exhaustion, she slept off on Hubby's shoulder and as I was about to soak in the brief reprieve, she woke up wailing loudly. I thought she was hungry so gave her dinner of which she spat out angrily. I checked with my husband who confirmed that she finished her lunch at the baby sitter's. Thinking that she had no appetite, I let her play but our little Miss Sunshine was in the mood of throwing her toys on the floor and strewing all her flash cards at the dining area, my patience was already wearing thin. We were expecting guests for dinner and I had earlier tidied up the house

When the guests came over, they were cooing over her and Pebbles loved the attention. She was relaxed and played with them only to turn all cranky again as they stepped out to leave (Talk about Mr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, man) If the little one was grumpy, the mother was SUPER DUPER Grumpy (I know, poor hubby).

She only slept at 12.30am. Woke up at 1.45am, crying loudly as though ants were biting her body (I did check for ants, Negative) Gave her milk to drink so she slept off. Woke up crying again at 2.45am, 3,30am, 4,00am, 4,30am, 5.00am. Every time I patted her to sleep on my chest, she slept off only to wake up wailing (with eyes closed) when I gently (very very gently) placed her in her crib. I was at my wits end. I just didn't know what she wanted. I gave her milk again but she refused. I walked around with her in my arms singing lullaby (in a raspy voice) she still cried. I didn't know what to do. I was tired and confused and angry as hell not to mention close to tears. I was going to wake up at 6 am to meditate, have some coffee, prepare her meal and leave for my 8 o'clock Yoga class and I had hardly slept.

At 5.00 am, I rocked her on my lap ( a little too roughly) but she slept off and I thought it was best to place her between me and hubby. She sighed loudly turned over and started crying again, that was the last straw, I gave her 4 quick whacks on her calf which obviously made her wail even more but that got my husband jump from the bed, scooped Pebbles and promptly told me that he was going to sleep in the guest room with her. I was breathing heavily like a mad bull but I strained to hear if she was still crying. No sound so I went to the room and she was curled up like a bunny and snoring away! My husband turned to me and told me to get some rest. I came back to our room.Instead of catching some sleep, I burst into tears berating myself for being a horrible mother. I cried and cried and slept off only to wake up less than 30 minutes later because I thought she was crying. Went back to the other room and she was still in the same position. I knew sleep had eluded me so I decided to meditate and of course my baby's tear streaked face was on my mind throughout my meditation session. I contemplated whether I should attend the Yoga class but I knew I needed to let go some of my pent up emotions so I went (Of which I am glad I did). Came home to find that she was still asleep breathing through her mouth because her itty bitty nostrils were blocked with mucus (sorry for being graphic). I quickly prepared her breakfast, woke my husband up as he had to some errands to run. I was embarrassed to look him in his eyes but I gathered my courage to seek his forgiveness for raising my hand at our child to which he simply said, 'It's OK darling. You were tired' My sweet and forgiving man.

At the sound of the front door shutting, Pebbles woke up and when she saw me she gave her sweet smile and my heart melted. How could I whack this little cherubic child of mine? All is good with mother and daughter now. We played some games. Gave her a bath, fed her and sang her lullaby for her after bath nap.

Personally, it was an eventful morning for me and I really hope I would be more mindful the next time Pebbles doesn't act the way I want her to. After all, I am the mother and she is only a helpless child. I still feel awful for what I did but it serves as a reminder that I should always control my emotions. Motherhood is definitely not for the faint hearted, I tell you!

my poor unwell baby

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Leaving the Nest

Earlier today, we sent off my husband's cousin at KLIA. She was flying off to the UK to pursue her studies. Since her mother was following her, there were no tears (Such a brave girl. I think I would be bawling my eyes out even if my whole family was following me) however the father and brother did tear a little (My hug tugs when I see men cry). It was a typical day at the airport. People coming and going, there was a bunch of youngsters taking group pictures and I reckoned some of them were leaving for studies too and the others were sending them off.

At a corner, I saw a youngster 'Salam' his mother and she grabbed him in a tight hug. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and that very scene hit me solid. Here was a mother sending off her child, her baby regardless his age and her heart was breaking. I hugged Pebbles tightly who at that point was squirming because she wanted to crawl on the airport's shiny floor (in her milk stained PJs,don't judge me!)

The journey back home was a quiet one. Pebbles fell asleep in her car seat. Husband was busy navigating the slippery road and I had my over active mind to myself. I wondered how would I feel if Pebbles was leaving home for studies or even for work? The moment I conceived Pebbles, I was already planning her life which included studying at the prestigious London School of Economics but now I am having second thoughts. Will I be able to bear the thought of separating from her?

I remembered my dad had tears in his eyes when he dropped me at my dorm and the facilitator announced to all the parents that they had to leave. I was puzzled after all I was at UM, only 8 hours away (by bus) from KT ('Get a grip,dad' said my little heart) Donkey years later, it finally dawned upon me that my father was sad to let his little girl go. He was worried for her safety and knew no one can take care of her like he had done (which is true because Pops is the best).

Now that I am a parent,I totally understand the anxiety, worries and concerns that accompany parents when their kids leave the nests be it for studies or for work. And since I was also a youngster (OK, donkey years ago) my concerns were all about getting new friends who can click with me, wearing the nicest clothes to class, getting good grades and finding a

I am pretty convinced that youngsters these days are way much different now compared to the majority during my time. With the concept of YOLO (You only live once) inculcated within them, many are striving to excel in their personal lives. They are well informed about the majors they can best excel in and are already charting out their future which includes working overseas (can't blame them, ahem ahem) But the fundamentals are the same. When they are about to leave their nests to spread their wings and broaden their horizons, their family (especially their parents and siblings) take a back seat when they decide to spend extra time with people who matter before they leave.

You find them worrying about the friends they are leaving behind, the comfort zone where all their meals are taken care of and clothes are washed as well as an ever ready ATM machines. Most would be busy thinking about themselves instead of the loved ones they are leaving behind. Well, your father might miss the morning debates about the country's economic status, your mother might miss nagging you, your siblings might miss borrowing your things without asking your permission and in return getting an earful from you. Family can be troublesome and not fun at all like your cool friends but always remember, Family comes first (My dad's favourite mantra) They are your pillar of strength. If anything goes wrong, you can count on your family to fall back on.

So my dear young friends, when you are about to leave the nest to embark on your new adventure, do spend as much time as possible with your family members. Don't be shy to tell them that you love them (So what, if they laugh at you? Laugh along!) If your mother and father cry, let them...don't mock will always be their baby.. if your siblings suddenly become distant, get closer to them..they just don't want to miss you so much when you are not around...Spend some time talking about the good old new memories..make them laugh and remember their faces because those are the images that will keep you company during the lonely days in the foreign land.

With the advance of technology, they would be 'closer' to you (I cringe to think of those days' communication lines) Do call or WatsApp them often with heartfelt messages (not only to get them to send more money la) I am not saying to be homesick and all but hey do have fun but be safe point being a daredevil if it is going to hurt your family 'coz it ain't worth it, buddy'

On another note, dear parents, do let go of your babies with a loving heart, blessings and prayers. With your solid upbringing, I am pretty sure they would be just fine (No harm in reminding them not to come back with a Mat Salleh girlfriend or boyfriend, though...just kidding!)

For those of who 'yang tak jadi' go overseas, don't fret..the local universities are OK (Well, I turned out just fine!) Your job is to visit your friends' families so they would not miss their kids so much (plus you get to eat home cooked food too). You are also required to sock your friends' faces if ever they come back with a weird 'Orang Putih' accent.Nothing beats Manglish, right?

So I am signing off with a message of 'All the very best' to you, young munchkins and I would also like to quote Amy Chua, the famous Tiger Mother: 'Be modest, be humble, be simple. Make sure you come in first,so you have something to be humble about'
Carpe Diem!

In the meantime, I am going to check UM's portal to see if they have an awesome Economic major for Pebbles to take up so she can be in my radar (at all times)..hah!

Image from Google

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Wedding Fever

I absolutely love weddings. I love watching the gorgeous brides and equally good looking grooms. I like checking out the decorations and tucking in the yummy food. Weddings are awesome. I even tear when the Thali is tied or when the rings are slipped into the fingers. Can't help it, I am a hopeless romantic.

One of the tasks I help my husband (rather eagerly) is in the wedding planning part. He is a wedding planner although an organizer would be a better name for what he actually does. If you want a point of reference on the best and affordable venue, caterer,decorator or even performers for your big day, you may reach him by contacting me. OK enough of marketing his skills :)

The both of us place much emphasis on the smooth flow of the big day like from the moment the bride and groom leave their respective residences heading to the wedding venue right up to when they leave after the wedding. We ensure there are no hiccups and the newlyweds are stress free. Not surprisingly, prior to the wedding we meet up with the bride and groom and their families to plan and discuss. More often than not, there will be some stress and tension which is totally normal.

To date, I have helped my husband close to 50 weddings and I have seen many kinds of brides and grooms. From the overzealous kind to the extremely laid back kind, I have seen it all but beneath all that what I have observed is how much effort and time were put into the one day event which undoubtedly is marked as the most important day of their lives.

Planning a wedding can be stressful but what I would like to highlight to all the soon to be newlyweds is that YOU can make it less stressful and more enjoyable and this is what I would suggest you to do:

  1. Create a vision board with your partner on your perfect wedding
  2. Always include your families in your discussion regardless if they are paying for it or not (Families are important)
  3. Be open to feedback. If you don't like their ideas, don't tell them right away. Sleep on it and chances are, you would accept their ideas wholly or better still they would accept yours :)
  4. Enlist the help of trusted friends and family members. Delegation of tasks is the key of success in making your big day perfect.
  5. Arguments with your partner and family members are inevitable. Always strive to be the better person in the situation. Hold back and take a deep breath before you retaliate. This is to avoid saying things you would regret later.
  6. Pray, meditate or do the things you like i.e exercising, window shopping, spa to keep your sanity in check.
  7. Eat healthily and drink PLENTY of water
  8. Every night before you sleep, write a list of things of 'Why you love your partner' Remember to be positive (It's all about the law of attraction)
  9. Get someone reliable to handle any crisis at home i.e not enough mango leaves or coconuts (seriously,why would anyone bother to update you about it. But they would because they are stressed out and need someone to vent out to. Don't be the victim)
  10. Research on wedding photos you would want to take and discuss with your photographer. Inform your planner so sufficient amount of time is kept aside to take these momentous photos.
I thought, I would just limit the list to 10 because knowing you if you are like me, you would have scoured the Internet on the Do's and Don'ts of planning a wedding. All I want to say is (again) Relax. A wise person said to me, a wedding is a day affair but a marriage is a lifetime affair, one should invest more time and effort in it rather than the wedding itself. True, huh?

In my opinion, what you should look forward to on the wedding day is the smile on your partner' face the moment he/she sees you for the first time in the wedding finery. The feel of your spouse's hand right after you are pronounced as man and wife. The look you give each other and silently promising that you have each others back come what may...oh those are the things you need to look forward to. At all the weddings that I have helped my husband in, I always pause to watch when the Thali is tied because my heart will tug when the bride and groom look at each other and give each other a sweet smile and I will go like 'Awww' (Told you I am a hopeless romantic)

And guys, do drop a compliment or two when your bride sits/stands next to you, I would guarantee she would flash you a beaming smile (Do you know that the price for wedding make up is exorbitant?!)And ladies, no harm in complimenting your man either. Do reassure each other constantly if the other appears to be agitated or even (God Forbid!) panicky. And please, pay attention to the master of the ceremony,the priest and be immersed in the prayers or sermons he is saying (simply because it is sacred and super important) and don't be a busybody looking out if your boss had come for your wedding, Geez!

Apart from that, be nice and appreciative of your families (immediate and extended) as they are instrumental in making this day a success and their blessings are important.

And when you finally get the wedding album, do spend some quiet time with your spouse, reminisce the wonderful day or laugh together at the (laughable) hiccups.

To those who think weddings are a hassle, think again. It can be hassle free if you tackle the preparations with an open mind and a big loving heart. And if things don't go your way on that day, take a deep breath and just remember you are marrying the person you have chosen and love with all your heart so that is what matters (not the unmatched colours of the drapes!).Lastly, always remember, all the silliest things you are fretting over now in the name of having the wedding of your dreams, they would deem unimportant a year later and you may regret making it a big deal.

So guys, Keep calm and get married! I am so excited with the line up of weddings I have this year although they are going to create a huge dent on this SAHM's

One of my favourite photos of our wedding. My sister in law said that it was a look signalling the beginning of the reign of a Queen Control. She is a genius

Wednesday, 9 September 2015


It has been three months since I became a Stay at Home Mother and I have been asked (in my opinion) the silliest questions which are:

1. So, how is it like being a lady of leisure?

Seriously, leisure? The curious me actually looked up on the Webster dictionary to find out what it actually means and it says lady who is of independent means and so does not need employment; one who is free from duties and responsibilities. A stay at home mother is free from duties and responsibilities?! Have you been smoking pot? So no, you absolutely can't equate the term lady of leisure with a SAHM simply because we WORK at home. Our duties and responsibilities are towards our family just like a FTWM (in case you don't know, it is Full Time Working Mom) and to add on, we earn peanuts for doing just that.

2. So, how do you fill your day?

Hmmm...let me see, I wake up and do my hair and nails and meet up with my chic ladies for breakfast and then go for a massage, meet my hubby for lunch and if possible try to spend some time with my almost 10 month old baby girl who crawls everywhere and who happens to love eating newspapers and batteries. Oh my god! What is wrong with these people? The irritating part is they have this silly smirk on their faces as though they actually think I am doing all that I have mentioned on daily basis.

3. So, you must be very happy being so free now?

Excuse me Uncle, please define Free? Just because I am at home watching over my child like a hawk (Did I mention she loves to eat the newspaper?) instead of attending some high powered meetings, I am free? I am happy but I am not free and definitely not SO FREE.

Ok now that I have got that off my chest, I am feeling much better. Honestly, these questions irked the hell out of me until recently (OK I admit, only 2 days ago) when I realise it is all about perception. It is all about how a person perceives us as SAHM. I know there are many of you out there who have been subjected to worst questions like 'You study so hard and you became a housewife?' Seriously dude, get a grip. If you are not paying us allowances, just zip it ok.

Yeah, we are not juggling work and family like the FTWM (I salute you ladies, by the way) but hey don't look down at those who chose to be SAHM la. There are many reasons why a mother chooses to be a SAHM and as for me, I took the decision to be with Pebbles for at least 6 months and find out if I have what it takes to be an effective SAHM (still finding out, guys) as opposed to bending backwards to please my boss and get subjected to ridiculous KPIs at work (Not worth it at all)

My former boss told me, being a SAHM is not for the faint hearted. It is an extremely BORING job which I totally agree. There are days I can hardly string a proper sentence in English because I spend the day babbling with Pebbles who at this stage enjoys clucking her tongue and I die for adult interactions with like minded people (My husband is Sports oriented)

Hey,I am not complaining. I enjoy every single minute I get to spend with Pebbles but who doesn't crave for a moment of uninterrupted meal and long naps or even a chat with a good friend via WatsApp? Every day is a new adventure with my darling Pebbles. Putting her on a routine proved futile and I always feel like I am walking on egg shells when she is asleep so I could get some chores done.

So guys, you see, we SAHMs have our own struggles too and instead of judging us for having it easy (I always feel like punching the person in the face when one utters the word, EASY or FREE, they are absolutely the Taboo words in my life at the moment) do support us in the name of Sisterhood of Parenthood. It is absolutely imperative to get the support from fellow mothers. Guys and uncles don't really understand so we ladies need to stick together, huh?

My sister, Tara and I are SAHMs but unlike her, I get to send Pebbles to the babysitter so I could get some work done with my husband. She on the other hand,has her cute like a button but extremely inquistive 18 month old toddler with her the whole day until her husband returns home from work. But my sister never once told me that I have an easy life because she understands I have different struggles like how I have to be with Pebbles at night alone when husband is away managing an event.

And guys, just because we are at home the whole day with our kids, it doesn't mean we are not capable of having a conversation with you at parties. I was once asked by a stranger at a party about my occupation and when I told her that I am a SAHM, she just said a tiny 'oh' and walked away! Like hello! I am more than capable of having a conversation about current issues, lady. Quantum physics? Bring it on. I was a little snubbed but I knew it was her poor perception on SAHM that made her act like that.

Talking about perceptions, I found an interesting analogy that defines perception in the simplest way. You see, an owl and a human perceive daylight differently. We are awake during the day but the owl is asleep and vice versa at night. For the owl, the daylight is nightime for it. Interesting huh? So yeah, I firmly belive that is how the others view SAHMs. That we are free, happy, have no worries, lucky etc but no all are true and also untrue.

Despite living on one paycheck, I have done quite a number of things as a SAHM, I have taken up Yoga, started meditating, started this blog and I am truly happy  because I made a concious decision to be with my child and my husband supported the decision. If I had continued working, I don't think I would be truly this contented.That is all that matters to me.

So I can tell fellow SAHMs to just brush aside the hurtful comments or stinging questions that assail us by thinking it is all about perceptions because after all the grass is greener on the other side but I would also like to remind the none SAHMs; FTWMs and others please be more tactful in your interrogation sessions with us, SAHMs.

And remember, we all are in this adventure called Parenthood together albeit the backgrounds and beliefs we have.

Pebbles, just seconds before she reached for her Papa's watch and broke it by slamming it to the floor

Saturday, 5 September 2015


One of Sadhguru's (the famed Indian yogi and mystic) pebbles of wisdom goes like this 'Every aspect of my life is soaked in devotion. Devotion not for a God above, but for all that is around me'. I am not a religious person but I do believe in God and in the fact that there are many ways to reach Him (hence the many religions). This particular phrase struck a chord within me as I firmly believe that humans should practise 'Godliness' characteristics with everything around them i.e animals, the environment and fellow human beings. In my opinion, devotion is definitely one of the finest and purest characteristics a human should have.

If you ask me who is the most devoted person I know, without a shadow of a doubt I would mention my mother in law who is lovingly known as Aunty Archee. All the myths and jokes on mothers in law certainly do not apply to mine. On the contrary, she is the most sweetest, gentlest and most devoted person you would have ever seen.

For the past (almost) three years, I have seen her struggling in life without a word of complaint. When her mother was alive but unwell, she would attend to her mother's needs patiently. There was once when I was in Melaka for a visit, my mother in law was feeding her mother porridge, bit by bit and at the same time encouraging her mother to eat so she could get better. Appache was tired and a little grumpy, told off her daughter repeatedly she had enough but Aunty Archee lovingly told her mother that she needed to eat before she took her medicine and continued feeding her.In my mind, I knew that any regular person would have given up because she herself was tired due to lack of rest.Somehow that memory got stuck in my mind and many other incidents after that had further solidified the fact that my mother in law is indeed a saint.

She took it very badly when her mother passed away. I remember the scene in the hospital vividly when she was wailing for her mother. I couldn't do anything except hold her and try to comfort her. Like a little girl, she was calling out for her Amma. It was heart breaking. She was devoted to her mother. Even now when she speaks about Appache, it is evident how much she adored her mother.

Soon after, Pebbles was born and my husband and I thought it was good to spend some days in Melaka during my confinement. She was ecstatic when we were home. She willingly took care of Pebbles when I needed some rest and also painstakingly prepared my confinement meals without the help of a maid. She never once complained of aches although I have seen her wincing in pain at night when she finally gets to sit down and watch some TV. 

Although she is completely besotted with Pebbles, she is very attuned to the sensitivity of her older grandchild, Shiv whom she has been taking care since he was a baby. Eight year old Shiv feels a little threatened whenever Pebbles is down but his grandmother never made him feel less loved. Once, he was unhappy with all the attention towards Pebbles and threw a fit but Aunty Archee lovingly explained to him that her grandchildren are equal and he should understand the fact that there hasn't been a baby in the house for a long time hence all the attention.She is definitely the United Nations in the house.   

My mother in law's safe and secured world once again rocked when my sister in law (her daughter) had a heart attack in Singapore during a short break there. She was devastated but quickly recovered to attend to her needs as my sister in law moved into her parents' house for a short while. When we visited her, it was evident Aunty Archee was shattered and worried sick but she put on a brave front for everyone sake. She went about doing what she does best, devoting her time and effort to make her daughter well again.

The sure sign of devotion is obvious in the relationship my mother in law has with her husband. Uncle Indran in his hey day was a flamboyant and authoritative figure. Heart ailments and the amputation of half of his right foot have reduced his social outings considerably and he spends most of the time at home now. This had affected his jovial demeanour greatly and there are times he is moody and grumpy but Aunty Archee never once raised her voice at him in irritation. I always see her smiling and swatting at his knee in jest. Whenever they go out, she patiently puts on his shoe. Mind you, she is a 69 year old grandma, who has the regular aches but she always makes sure his comfort is her first priority. Just in the past one month, my father in law had been admitted twice in the hospital and both times, she opted to stay back in the hospital to take care of him. There was no proper bed for her in the hospital and she fell twice in the hospital due to lack of rest. She hurt her arm quite badly but continued to soldier on to care for her husband. She obviously does all this for her husband out of love and sheer devotion.

Every man would want to marry a girl like his mother but my husband once told me that nobody can be like his mother to which I did not take any offence simply because it is true, she has set the bar so high as a devoted daughter, wife, sister, mother, mother in law and grandmother of which I am afraid nobody would be able to reach.

Unknowingly, Aunty Archee practises Godliness and I am truly blessed to have her as my mother in law so I can continue learning from her.

My mother in law, Aunty Archee and my father in law, Uncle Indran

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Inside out

It was a long and anxious wait to watch this movie and boy am I glad I watched it simply because it was AWESOME! (May I add with a capital A, W, E, S, O, M, E)

I have always loved watching animation simply because of its wonderful story line, the heartfelt messages, beautiful display of colours and the sheer ingenuity of the team in making the characters come alive. So although I love movies,I always have a soft spot for animations (much to my husband's despair, he thinks it is a waste of money to watch them in the cinema, pbtfff)

Well, I obviously read the reviews and the synopsis of the movie before I watched it (simply because I don't like surprises and also to understand the movie better). The moment it was on (after the heart warming Volcano story) I let myself relax and enjoy the movie of which I did immensely.

I laughed, I cried, I sighed and I smiled contentedly throughout the movie and I can't help but think how nice would it be if all the kids watch it with their parents? It's the best movie of the year to watch with them (Move over, Frozen) And also I am already plotting how to break the news to my husband that I want an 'Inside Out' theme birthday party for Pebbles! I I am definitely going to be Disgust (I am so her!) Husband might be Anger :P

Not surprisingly, I couldn't stop thinking about the movie and the impact it has made in my life (thanks Disney Pixar!) so I set about reading up more about it and watching all the interesting videos on You Tube (gosh these guys are geniuses!)

A further 'investigation' led to the findings that the director of the movie even enlisted the help of a psychologist who studies emotions and professor of psychology to build the story board. (How cool is that?)

It's mind blowing to even fathom the depth of the research the team had taken up to come up with such a simple yet profound offering. 'Inside Out' will definitely win the Oscar for Best Animation (Mark my words, I am a pro at predicting Oscar winners).

I was thinking long and hard on how shall I write about the movie. Do I write a review? But there were already a million of them in print and online so I thought I would just write top 10 reasons why YOU, yes You should watch it. Here goes:

  1. It's a Disney Pixar production (Need I say more ? duh, remember Up, Brave and Toy Story?!)
  2. You will learn what happens to the human mind when emotions set it
  3. You will find out why it is important to have the 5 main emotions within you. It's crucial to have check and balance
  4. You will learn how to maintain your core personality islands
  5. You will find out what happens when your memories fade
  6. The notion that relationships are very important in life will be reiterated (we need constant reminders, thank you very much)
  7. It tells you that growing up can be a painful process and it is OK to be sad about it
  8. It will make you feel all warm and fuzzy after watching it (you might shed some tears)
  9. You will find out why some songs get stuck in your head (finally, some answers!)
  10. Lastly, a great movie for the whole family to watch. Complex enough for the adults yet easy enough for the children to understand (sorry for being oxymoron, here)

So guys, be prepared to fall in love with Joy, Disgust, Fear, Anger and Sadness (you will, trust me) and also the adorable Bing Bong. This movie will definitely be in the list of movies I want Pebbles to watch when she is older (Yes, I have a list)

Image from Google

Remember, always listen to the voices in your head