Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Mommy Brain

I always took pride in knowing everybody’s birthday and minute details of their lives such as so and so’s father in law’s favourite drink or the blouse so and so last wore.I know they are unimportant things to remember but that’s how my brain is wired and there are many people out there (husband included) who thinks I am rather a nosy parker.
However, ever since I delivered Ms.Pebbles, I find myself forgetting things easily.It takes me ages to place a face or even connect the dots of what had happened to the person before. I mean, these things matter to me. I always pictured myself as a robot where when I see someone, the whole list of important details spring to mind. It somehow makes it easier for me to connect with people, being the introvert that I am .
Anyway, I also found myself walking to my room numerous times only to pause and ponder about what was I doing there. Talk about frustrations and waste of time.
When I checked with my friends, they said it’s normal. They said it’s called Mommy’s brain. The curious and scientist me (ok, I studied Science) wanted to read up about it and I came across this interesting article. In summary, a mom has so much biochemical reactions happening in her head which is all pointed to caring for her child hence we forget the ‘little things’
Ok, I am a wee bit comforted with that information but it still irks me that I don’t get the ‘full data’ in my mind when I see someone. Time to stock up on nuts, you reckon?
-written on June 16, 2015-

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