When I became a mother, I had to part ways with my lover.
It was a painful break up but we had to do it in order for me to be a dutiful mother.
Before your mind wanders away with the imaginary man, let me just burst the bubble by saying that I was talking about my sleep.
I love to sleep. My husband loves to sleep. In fact, he doesn’t take a nap, he hibernates. I enjoy a good night’s sleep and 1 nice short nap in the afternoon. Sounds nice, right?
So it baffled me and my husband when we were bestowed a cherubic baby who hates to sleep. It’s true, Pebbles absolutely hates to sleep.It’s as though she feels she would miss out on things if she sleeps off. Ever since she was born, she never had a straight 10 hour sleep. And as though she is a CEO of a company, she power naps. It’s true, her naps lasts only 20 minutes. The odd thing is, she is all bright eyes when she is up and she turns to me with a look that (I swear) sounds like ‘Ok ma, I am up. Entertain me’ Oh god!
Speaking about God, I am more than convinced that He was bored to tears one day so he decided to have some fun by giving a pair of sleep loving couple a non sleep loving child. ha ha ha (not funny, God)
Take last night for an instance, Pebbles slept off at 8.30pm. Woke up at 10.30pm just when I was about to sleep and only slept off at 1am! Woke up at 4am slept back again after I rocked her but proceeded to do the same at 5,6,7, 8 and 9am when I decided, enough! time to wake up. So here I am looking all zombified while the love of my life is cooing happily.( I meant my baby, husband is equally zombified)
I love my child to bits but I love sleep too but I don’t think I would be able to indulge in it for a looooooong time. Now I hear a strange buzz in my head maybe due to lack of sleep (duh!) and I have work to do. House looks like it has been hit by a tornado. Oh well, I did say the break up with Mr.Sleep was painful, didn’t I? Where is Nanny McPhee when I need her?!
Maybe looking at pictures of people sleeping soundly would ease the pain a little (who am I kidding?)
*Picture from Google image
-Written on July 9,2015-
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