Wednesday, 5 August 2015

My Husband

I dated my husband for 6 long years before we got married. We knew each other at the university but we were only friends then. We lost touch after we graduated but bumped into each other at the train station only to rekindle our friendship which eventually grew into love. We got married in 2013 and had Pebbles in 2014.
What amazes me is that he has remained the same person he is all through these years. He is an average Joe who is highly likeable by anyone who knows him and he is such an amazing dad. He is more hands on with Pebbles than I am. Strangers who meet him feel almost at ease with him and people trust him easily
With me, he has always been selfless. He makes sure I get the food first, have enough rest and is constantly looking out for me. He does it so effortlessly and never asks anything in return.
In this day and age, it is so rare to find someone like him. Mind you, he is not imperfect. He has his flaws and weaknesses but his good side carries far more weight. He is a loving son and a doting sibling. My dad thinks the sun rises and sets on him. He is a playful and teasing brother-in-law to my sisters and have I told you what an amazing dad he is to Pebbles?Oh well,I’ll just say it again.
I married a man who doesn’t ask for much yet goes through a lot of pain to make sure his wife is happy. I admit I am not exactly an easy person to live it. I wouldn’t even marry myself! Whenever we argue, I’ll be shrieking like a banshee but he’ll just remain quiet and lets me get it out of my system. And then when everything is settled, we’ll talk it through where he will cleverly put in his points and lets me see things his way. I know, it’s sneaky but it works.
We both are the same of age but somehow he is far wiser and what I really admire about him is that he is a cool dude. He remains unfazed in the most dire circumstances and that is indeed an admirable trait.
It troubled him when I told him that I wanted to quit my job to be with Pebbles simply because money was tight (still is) but when he saw how my heart was breaking when I had to work late into the nights doing redundant work and missing out so much of time with Pebbles,he relented. I knew it was a tough decision but he let me because he loves me.
My husband’s only motivation in life is love. He is driven by love and he wants to achieve goals for love. I am indeed lucky to be married to this man and to continue learning from him.
Father’s Day is around the corner and I am so glad Pebbles has him as a dad because (again) he is simply amazing.
A toast to all the superb husbands and daddies.
-written on June 19, 2015-

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